
Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

4 Fruits That Can Whiten Teeth

4Fruits That Can Whiten Teeth

الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على آله وصحابته و من اهتدى بهـداه , أما بعدPraise be to Allah, Lord Creator, Ruler, Keeper and Sustainer of the worlds, so that only He is worthy diibadahi and shirk away from Him. Blessings and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, family, friends Radliallahu Anha Rahimahumullah and those who follow them well until the end of time.
From - wolipop.com No need to pocket a big to buy a tooth whitener. Using natural ingredients derived fruits can also make a brilliant white teeth.
Yellowish teeth will interfere with the overall performance. Usually the cause is not bright-colored teeth are consuming too much coffee, tea and soda.
Teeth whitening treatment with certain fruits trusted efetif in teeth whitening. Here are four lists fruits that you can use as a dental perwatan, as quoted by the medic magic. 1. StroberiStroberi is a natural food to whiten teeth. Contained malic acid in strawberries act as a substance that can erode and remove stains on tooth surfaces.
2. Apple
Apples contain two useful in helping to whiten teeth. The first benefit, the process of biting hard and crunchy apples can tarnish of dental plaque that can change the color of your teeth become whiter. Also, biting the apple also stimulates production of saliva which can naturally fight bacteria in the mouth that change the color of teeth. The second benefit, apples contain malic acid which act as natural ingredients to remove stains on tooth surfaces.
3. Carrots
Carrots can also function as a natural tooth whitener. Carrots also contain that can remove dental plaque that hard during the process of mastication.
4. Lemon or lime juice
Lemon juice can also be used to whiten teeth. Lemon juice can be combined with the salt and baking soda made like pasta mixture. Then rub the mixture on the teeth for 10 to 15 minutes. Do this treatment twice a week.
Always rinse and brush your teeth properly after using lemon juice on teeth. High citric acid content in lemons can cause tooth enamel fragility.

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